In this topic we would like to inform you that we are working on improving the color adjustment feature on our theme and on the current theme version you can not adjust all theme element optionally through the Theme Options. However you can get any colors adjusted through custom css. If you are inclined in coding you definitely know how to find the selector of a specific element and then just adjust its color code through the custom css in the Theme Options > Styling. you just need to insert a selector, adjust a color code and click save all change button and the changes should appear on the front end – if these don’t appear then check on the cache and make sure its cleared up. Here is a list of all selectors with the default orange color, you can just copy all of these, insert into Theme Options > Styling > custom css, set your color code and click save all changes, please review the screenshot for reference:
.header .top-bar .widget.widget_contacts li[class^="icon-"]::before, h3, .recent_news_wrapper .rnc_content .entry h4 a, .price, .section-title > span, .widget .widget-title > span, .comment-reply-title > span, #footer a:not(.button), .widget_timetable li.is_closed, .header.alternate .navigation > ul > li.current-menu-item > a, .header.alternate .navigation > ul > li.current-menu-parent > a, .header.alternate .navigation > ul > li.current-menu-ancestor > a, .header.alternate .navigation > ul > li:hover > a, .header.alternate .navigation > ul ul li.current-menu-item > a, .header.alternate .navigation > ul ul li.current-menu-parent > a, .header.alternate .navigation > ul ul li.current-menu-ancestor > a, .car-location b, .item-car .type-car-position li, .header .top-bar .widget.widget_contacts li[class^="icon-"]::before, ul.tabs-nav .active a, ul.list li.type-1 span, .tmm-view-mode article .compare label { color: #387ace !important; } .account-wrapper .log, .form-reg, .quicksearch-container .submit-search,, .page-subheader .layout-switcher, .tab-content ul.list li.type-1::before { background-color: #387ace !important; } .ca-shortcode-alt:hover { background-color: #387ace !important; border-color: #387ace !important; } .ca-shortcode-alt { border-color: #387ace !important; } .price::before { border-bottom: 1px dashed #387ace; } .orange, #content input[type="submit"], #commentform #submit { background: #387ace none repeat scroll 0 0; }