With the demo content installation you will get all cars makes and models installed on your website, also all default pages will be created as well which are required for proper theme work, therefore we strongly recommend using demo content installation feature and then start building your own content with your own vehicles. But you can also just import the vehicles without demo content ,but you need to make sure you have uploaded all demo files to your server accordingly. Please note for proper DB migrate functions you need to login to your cPanel and increase the server waiting time to 300 sec (max_execution_time in PHP settings) and increase the memory_limit to 512M as well. Please review the video below:
Also you can manually add any additional specific car and makes through the backend.
For instance lets add Honda Civic. First you need to add Honda make, Next you need to add Civic mode with selecting the Honda make as parent
You’ll get the list of almost all countries and you can simply add the required country through the DB migrate plugin in the Theme Options > Plugins > DB migrate. Please note for proper DB migrate functions you need to login to your Cpanel and increase the server waiting time to 300 sec (max_execution_time in PHP settings) and increase the memory_limit to 512M as well. Please review the video below:
If you need to add additional location you can achieve that through the admin panel as well:
First you would need to add Country, for instance USA and click “Add new Car Location”, don’t forget to fill in the slug as well
Then you can add New State and apply it to USA by selecting USA in the dropdown menu, in this example we added Arizona
And lets add Phoenix city to Arizona state in USA