You can start your website from the scratch by using all theme features or get the demo content installed and then replace it with your content. Also demo content would help you to get familiar with all theme features since you would be able to review all demo pages and find out how that specific content was added.
In case you decide to build your website from scratch you would just need install the theme with the content composer plugin.
1) You need to unzip the theme bundle you downloaded from the themeforest
2) In the theme bundle in the theme folder you will find the Almera folder which is the actual theme.
Please note the unzipped almera folder could be uploaded to your server via FTP into wp-content\themes\ and then you would need to login to Wp and make sure the theme is activated.
If you prefer to install through the WordPress admin panel you would need to get this almera WP zipped, login to your WP backend go to Appearance > themes and, click there upload and select the almera zipped file from the theme bundle in the theme folder.
3)Once you got the theme activated you should get the notification that for proper theme you would need to have the following plugins installed
Go ahead and click that button – Begin installing plugins. You’ll get to the plugins installation page. Select there all plugins, in bulk action select install and hit apply
You can also install these one by one. Once you got these plugins installed and activated you can start working on your website.
If you decide to install the demo content you would need to do few extra steps, <b>But please note all your current content will be lost</b>:
1) connect to your server via FTP client
2) Find in the theme bundle uploads folder which is located in the demo-data folder.
3) If you have a freshly installed wordpress then most likely you don’t have the uploads folder in your wp-content directory on your server, so you need to upload this upload folder with all inner folder and files to your server into wp-content
If you have already uploads folder on your server in the wp-content, then you need to copy inner folder from uploads in the theme bundle (demo-data/uploads consists of 4 folders – 2013, 2014, thememakes, tmm_db_migrate) and and upload these to your server into wp-content/uploads/
4) once you got these files uploaded only one step left. Login to your Admin panel, Go to Theme Options > TM DB Migrate and hit there Demo Data Install button
And that’s pretty much it, it should take some time to process and then you will be transferred to the frontend with the demo content installed.
5) Upon next WP login you will be asked to update the database so go ahead and confirm it. Also Please note your previous access details will be replaced and for accessing the WP backend you need to enter demo for username and demo for password.
Then you can create your own user and delete the demo one, HAVE FUN 🙂
UPDATE: Here are our two video guides on how to install the theme demo: